$997.00 USD

I understand that once booked, refunds are only offered 5 business days prior to the scheduled 1:1 session.

No refunds are offered once materials have been delivered or 1:1 session has taken place.

In the event of extenuating life circumstances, workshop may be rescheduled within 5 days of the scheduled 1:1 service, for a period of within 30 business days

Branding with Archetypes Mini VIP Day

Ready to become Memorable and Magnetizing to clients who crave exactly what you offer? 

Ready to know exactly how to communicate on social media and across all your business assets so that potential customers flock to you? 

Branding with Archetypes Mini VIP day will reveal: 

√ Your Signature AND Influencing Archetypes for a 100% unique brand personality fingerprint

√ Your brand promise, so you know exactly how to design services and communicate in ways that truly serve YOUR tribe

√ The secret cravings clients have for a brand blend just like yours - their emotions, the point in life they're at which would make them say YES, what they need to hear from you to feel safe

You'll receive the eerily accurate Branding with Archetypes assessment, and we'll get together 1:1 via Zoom to debrief your archetype blend.

Perfect for the entrepreneur who wants to reveal the brand personality that will make their business magnetic and memorable, AND get my 2 decades of marketing expertise behind it!

What People Are Saying:

"I was floored by the Brand Archetype assessment! I had no idea what to expect, but I was blown away by the accuracy of the results! I now feel like I've been seen and validated and I can now communicate my message in a way that feels true to me...and not "salesy" at all."

Rhonda Vinson, Breast Cancer Survivor Coach